Policy Influencing

We partner with other like minded lobby groups to engage the lawmakers/parliament to pass laws that shall add value to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Some of our premier policies that we are keen to be adopted are;

  • By-laws on littering, especially around the cities.
  • Environment Studies to be enshrined and entrenched in the curriculum for schools.
  • Empowering businesses in recycling of garbage.
  • Adoption of Green Energy.
  • Encouraging of Green Buildings.
  • To make it mandatory for every pupil joining Grade 4, student joining Secondary school and those of colleges and Universities to plant at least a tree, as part of the admission process.
  • Tree-Planting pledge/Green Points to be a factor in the award of government tenders.
  • Tree-Planting effort/Green Points to be a factor when during employment.

With adoption of responsible policies, we collectively inch towards the Sustainable Development Goals quicker.