Afforestation & Reforestation

Forests act as carbon sinks by providing key environmental services.

There are a five major remaining water catchments in Kenya, namely, Mt Kenya Forest, Aberdare Range, Mau Complex, Cherangani Hills and Mt Elgon.
These forests play a vital role in conserving rivers and lakes, not only for Kenya but the region as a whole, hence they are usually referred to as the The Water Towers, and cumulatively cover 718,200ha/ 1,774,710 Acres.

Illustration of 1 Ton size of carbon

Our focus is to re- fill the lost number of trees in these towers, and other forests, sub-forests and parks which run into a further thousands of acreage.
In new available forests, we also partner with stake holders and communities to create new forests/Afforestation, for mutual benefit.

Our flagship project is at Suswa,in Kenya;We have adopted 120 Acres of semi-arid land that is covered with different species of trees and shrubs, and home to various animals.
We have engaged the local community in bee-keeping activities so as to deter logging, and embraced them as Environment Conservation ambassadors.